New Portage District General Hospital

Rank 2024


Image Credit: Government of Manitoba

Industry Sector: Buildings

Project Type: Health Care

Project Value: $455 million

Province: Manitoba

City / Region: Portage la Prairie

The new two-storey Portage Regional Health Centre will replace an existing 88-bed facility and will include: 114 acute care inpatient beds; increased day surgery capacity to allow more procedures locally; an expanded emergency department designed to best practice standards including emergency treatment and assessment rooms, a trauma room, a stretcher bay, and an ambulance bay; ambulatory care (new dialysis stations, chemotherapy, child and adult rehabilitation, mental health offices and interview rooms); enhanced spaces for programs such as diagnostics, palliative care, and outpatient services including lab and rehabilitation; and a new Indigenous health services cultural space with a design informed by Indigenous partners. 

Project Owner: Southern Health-Santé Sud

Engineer: Crosier Kilgour (structural); SMS Engineering Ltd. (mechanical and electrical)

Project/Construction Manager: PCL Constructors Ltd

Other Key Players: : Nor-Tec Group Ltd. (electrical contractor); Wescan Construction Services (mechanical contractor); Preset Piling Ltd. (piling contractor); Abesco Ltd. (structural steel contractor)

Architect Names: Ft3 Architecture; A49