Coquitlam Water Main Project

Rank 2025


Image Credit: Metro Vancouver

Industry Sector: Other

Project Type: Water Wastewater

Project Value: $1.66 billion

Funding Source: Public

Province: British Columbia

City / Region: Coquitlam

Estimated End Date of Substantial Completion: 2030

Metro Vancouver is constructing a new water main in the City of Coquitlam to optimize the capacity of the existing Coquitlam water supply system and to meet the growing demand for drinking water in the region with the eventual expansion of the source supply under the Coquitlam Lake Water Supply Project. The Coquitlam Water Main is approximately 12 kilometres long, and ranges in diameter from 2.2 to 3.2 metres. The water main is being constructed in four sections. Construction of the first pre-build section is underway. This water main is one of a number of drinking water infrastructure projects Metro Vancouver is constructing in the City of Coquitlam over the next two decades.

Project Owner: Metro Vancouver

Engineer: Jacobs-WSP

Contractor: Michels

Project/Construction Manager: Stantec