The goals of this initiative are to increase baseload electrical generating capacity in Alberta in an era when conventional coal-fired generation is being phased out and provide long-term economic benefits to the local and regional area. In June 2014, the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) approved MAXIM’s application to construct and operate a 520-MW natural gas-fired expansion (M2) at the site of the existing 150-MW Milner generating facility (M1).
The expansion will be located adjacent to M1 and will take advantage of the existing infrastructure at the site, allowing MAXIM to leverage benefits including electrical connection, fuel delivery, water licenses, and a skilled operations team. Natural gas will be supplied via an expansion of the existing natural gas pipeline that currently supplies M1. In February 2015, the AUC approved MAXIM’s application for an 86-MW expansion (M3) to M1; the expansion will be composed of two natural gas-fired turbines located next to M1. Exhaust energy from these turbines will be converted to steam and utilized to generate electricity in the existing M1 steam turbine, displacing coal-sourced steam. These two initiatives will increase the capacity at the Milner site from 150 MW to 756 MW.
Construction timing for both projects is pending clarity on new Alberta provincial climate change initiatives and regulations. It is also anticipated that M3 would be completed in advance of M2.