Armow Wind Farm

Rank 2025


Industry Sector: Energy

Project Type: Wind

Project Value: $550 million

Funding Source: Private

Province: Ontario

City / Region: Kincardine

This wind farm will use 92 turbines to produce 180 MW of energy. The Municipality of Kincardine had raised numerous concerns about the project’s safety, specifically in relation to the proximity of turbines to the Kincardine Airport. The development agreement that resulted has been called state of the art in Ontario, with a generous community benefit package which should be a substantial boon to the municipality. All low-voltage collector lines on private property will be buried where feasible, and a tree preservation and replacement plan is also in effect.

The project survived an appeal to the Environmental Review Tribunal in May 2014 and continues as planned. Construction started in fall 2014 and is expected to wrap up in 2015.

Project Owner: Pattern Renewable Holdings and Samsung Renewable Energy

Project/Construction Manager: Golder Associates

Environmental Services: Natural Resource Solutions Inc.

Other Key Players: MMM Group (geomatics services); Golder Associates (renewable energy approval, consultation/ engagement, archaeology, cultural heritage and GIS)

Turbine Supplier: Samsung Renewable Energy; Siemens

2015 Rank: 83

2014 Rank: 79