In 2015, Bruce Power reached an agreement with the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) to advance a long-term investment program to extend the life of its nuclear feet and secure the site’s operation until 2064. The Life-Extension Program started on January 1, 2016, and began with the replacement of older systems during regularly scheduled maintenance outages. As part of the Life-Extension Program, Bruce Power is carrying out an intensive Major Component Replacement (MCR) Project, which began in January 2020 and focuses on the replacement of key reactor components in Units 3-8, including steam generators, pressure tubes, calandria tubes, and feeder tubes. The first of 6 MCR refurbishments was completed on September 8, 2023 when Unit 6 was synced back to the grid. The Unit 6 MCR project was finished ahead of schedule and under budget with over 12 million hours of construction work executed over the 3.5 year project. The second MCR refurbishment began on March 1, 2023 and Unit 4 will start in 2025 with all 6 refurbishments scheduled for completion by 2033. The life extension of each unit will add approximately 30 to 35 years of operational life, while other investments will add a combined 30 reactor years of operational life to the units.