CFB Esquimalt A/B Jetty Recapitalization Project

Rank 2025


Image Credit: Pomerleau

Industry Sector: Buildings

Project Type: Military

Project Value: $1.1 billion

Funding Source: Public

Federal Funding: Department of National Defence: $1.1 billion

Province: British Columbia

City / Region: Constance Cove

Estimated End Date of Substantial Completion: 2024

The aim of the A/B Jetty project is to demolish and replace the old A and B jetties at CFB Esquimalt’s Dockyard, which were constructed during World War II. The A/B Jetty project supports Canada’s National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy, which is delivering modern ships to the Royal Canadian Navy over the next 30 years. The new fully integrated A/B Jetty facility will be home to several of these Canadian-built vessels, including the new Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship and Joint Support Ship, and in due course the future Canadian Surface Combatant ships. The implementation of this $1.1 billion project has been advancing steadily over the past decade and it currently involves three primary contracts: one for the design and engineering work of the new B Jetty, one for the design and engineering work of the new A Jetty and one for the construction of new jetty facilities.

Project Owner: Department of National Defence

Engineer: Statec (design authority for B Jetty); Wood E&I (WSP) (design authority for A Jetty)

Contractor: Pomerleau (B Jetty construction)

Project/Construction Manager: WestPro (Pomerleau) (demolition of the existing B jetty)

Program Manager: Project Contract Management: Defence Construction Canada

Other Key Players: Hanscomb (design engineer’s cost consultant for A Jetty); Advicas (design engineer’s cost consultant for B Jetty); Golder (WSP) (geotechnical studies/environmental engineering); Anchor QAE (environmental advisor); Hemmera (environmental); HDR (risk advisor); WSP (commissioning agent); Ruskin/CDI, RIC Power, Trotter & Morton, Black & McDonald (subcontractors to Pomerleau); Englobe; EY (management consultant); McElhanney; GeoVerra (site surveyor); Turner & Townsend (cost consultant)

2024 Rank: 60

2023 Rank: 58

2022 Rank: 73

2021 Rank: 63

2020 Rank: 61

2019 Rank: 63

2018 Rank: 91

2017 Rank: 90

2016 Rank: 95

2015 Rank: 98