Crowchild Trail Project

Rank 2025


Industry Sector: Transportation

Project Type: Highway

Project Value: $1.6 billion

Funding Source: Public

Provincial Funding: $1.6 billion

Province: Alberta

City / Region: Calgary

Estimated End Date of Substantial Completion: 2027

On May of 2017, the City of Calgary approved the plan for changes and upgrades to Crowchild Trail, as outlined in its Crowchild Trail Study. The renewal and expansion of Crowchild Trail, located west of the city’s downtown core, is necessary to improve the life of the current infrastructure, as well as to accommodate future growth.

Phase 1 focuses on work around and over the Bow River, including adding a lane of traffic in each direction on the existing bridge, as well as upgrades to the off-ramps already in place.

Project Owner: City of Calgary

Engineer: Wood Group (consulting)

Contractor: Graham (Phase 1)

Project/Construction Manager: Graham (Phase 1)

2020 Rank: 39

2019 Rank: 33