Toronto is embarking on the largest and most significant stormwater management program in the city’s history. This program will greatly improve the water quality in the Lower Don River, Taylor-Massey Creek and along Toronto’s Inner Harbour by keeping combined sewer overflows out of our waterways by upgrading technology and increasing the system’s capacity to capture, transport and treat them. The project is comprised of an integrated system of tunnels, storage shafts, connections, an integrated pumping station, a high-rate treatment facility, a real-time control system and wastewater treatment plant upgrades. The program is made up of several individual projects that will work together, including the Don River and Central Waterfront Wet Weather Flow System, the Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant (ABTP) Integrated Pumping Station, ABTP Ultra-Violet (UV) Disinfection Facility, ABTP Landform and high-rate treatment facility, and the ABTP Outfall.