Hanlan Watermain Project

Rank 2025


Industry Sector: Water

Project Type: Water Wastewater

Project Value: $450 million

Funding Source: Public

Municipal Funding: Peel Region: $330 million; York Region: $120 million

Province: Ontario

City / Region: Mississauga

Estimated End Date of Substantial Completion: 2019

The Hanlan feedermain will run approximately 14.5 kilometres from the Lakeview Water Treatment Plant on Lake Ontario to the Hanlan Reservoir and Pumping Station. Part of the same project, the 1,500-millimetre-wide Mississauga City Centre Subtransmission Main will run approximately six kilometres from the Hanlan pumping station to the intersection of Cawthra and Burnhamthorpe roads.

The entire project is scheduled for completion in 2019.

Engineer: Jacobs (detailed design consultant: South Assignment—Contracts 1 & 2); WSP (detailed design consultants: North Assignment—Contract 3); The Municipal Infrastructure Group; GM Blueplan

Contractor: McNally Construction Inc. (Contract 1, Lakeshore and Dixie Roads to Golden Orchard Drive); T2DMP (Contract 2, Dixie Road from Golden Orchard Drive to Eastgate Parkway); Southland Technicore Mole JV (Contract 3, Eastgate Parkway and Tomken and Cawthra Roads)

Environmental Services: AECOM (environmental assessment)

Other Key Players: AECOM (preliminary design report); Arup (geotechnical engineering, tunnel design, pipeline and structural design support, engineering and construction phase services); EXP (instrumentation and monitoring); Revay and Associates (project management support services); WSP (consultant and geotechnical); Aon Risk Solutions (risk advisor/broker for preferred proponent on their phases of the project); Golder; AGAT Laboratories

Supplier Other: Hanson Pipe and Precast (concrete pressure pipe); DECAST Ltd. (concrete pressure pipe, precast chambers); CRH Canada, Dufferin Concrete, Dufferin Aggregates (materials supply)

Legal: Borden Ladner Gervais (legal advisor)

2019 Rank: 92

2018 Rank: 89

2017 Rank: 89

2016 Rank: 93

2015 Rank: 94

2014 Rank: 89