Autoroute 19 Extension

Rank 2025


Image Credit: MTMD

Industry Sector: Transportation

Project Type: Highway

Project Value: $899.4 million

Funding Source: Public

Province: Quebec

City / Region: Laval

Estimated End Date of Substantial Completion: 2027

The extension of Highway 19 consists of building a two-carriageway urban highway with three lanes in each direction between Saint-Martin East Boulevard in Laval and Industriel Boulevard in Bois-des-Filion. Located on the current axis of Highway 335, the project extends 11.8 kilometres. The work is being carried out in six separate lots. It began in 2021. The project includes: the construction of four new interchanges: Dagenais Boulevard East, Saint-Saëns Street East, Laurentides Boulevard and Mille-Îles Boulevard, and Route 344 (Adolphe-Chapleau Boulevard); the redevelopment of the interchange of Highway 640 and Route 335; the construction of a new bridge located east of the Athanase-David bridge, over the Mille Îles River; the renovation of the current Athanase-David bridge; the installation of noise barriers in various areas located near the urban highway; the redevelopment and extension of the multi-purpose path for pedestrians, cyclists and off-road vehicle users; and the reconfiguration of the service roads at the level of highways 440 and 19.

Project Owner: Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable

Engineer: Design: WSP/EXP Consortium

Contractor: Roxboro Excavation Inc., Loiselle Inc.

Project/Construction Manager: CIMA+/IGF Axiom Joint Venture

Environmental Services: GHD Consultants Ltd. (geotechnical study)

Other Key Players: Monitoring: CIMA+/Stantec; Consortium Quality Control: Englobe

2024 Rank: 70

2023 Rank: 68