Highway 63 Twinning Program

Rank 2025


Industry Sector: Transportation

Project Type: Highway

Project Value: $1.22 billion

Funding Source: Public

Provincial Funding: $1.22 billion

Province: Alberta

City / Region: Grassland to Fort McMurray

The twinning of 240 kilometres of Highway 63 between Grassland and Fort McMurray is for the safety of motorists and to improve traffic flow within Fort McMurray. The project is expected to be completed by fall 2016.

There are dozens of contractors and consultants working on road segments, bridges, and interchange contracts with this project, so this entry is merely scratching the surface. Visit bit.ly/63twinning for a full breakdown of contracts.

Project Owner: Alberta Transportation

Engineer: AECOM; Amec Foster Wheeler; ARA Engineering Ltd.; Associated Engineering (design engineer); CH2M (Athabasca River Bridge); EBA, a Tetra Tech company; Stantec; Stewart Weir & Co.; Thurber Engineering; WSP

Contractor: Carmacks Enterprises; CastleGlenn Consultants; Command Equipment; Flatiron Constructors; Formula Alberta; Graham; Innovative Civil Constructors; Prairie North Const. Ltd.; Prairie Roadbuilders; Sigfusson Northern; South Rock Construction; Thompson Bros.; Weinrich Contracting

2016 Rank: 40

2015 Rank: 43