The current bridge was put into service in 1935, and its replacement is essential to ensure the economic and tourist vitality of Île d’Orléans. The new crossing will provide a 3.5-metre-wide traffic lane in each direction and 2.5-metre-wide shoulders on each side of the deck. The deck also incorporates 3-metre-wide multipurpose paths in each direction, which allow access for maintenance vehicles. The new bridge is scheduled to be commissioned in 2028, while deconstruction work is expected to be completed in 2033. The project includes three components: the redevelopment of Côte du Pont and its intersection with Chemin Royal and Route Prévost (preparatory work); the construction of the new bridge, including the reconstruction of the interchange between the Dufferin-Montmorency highway, Sainte-Anne boulevard and the bridge; the deconstruction of the current bridge.