In 2011, southern Manitoba experienced widespread flooding and Lake Manitoba experienced excessively high inflows through the Waterhen River, Whitemud River, and the Portage Diversion. Construction of the Lake Manitoba and Lake St. Martin Outlet Channels Project (Outlet Channels Project) will enhance flood protection to the surrounding area and help to strengthen Manitoba’s existing network of flood mitigation infrastructure. The $600 million flood protection Project consists of a 24.6 kilometre long channel from Lake Manitoba and a 23.6 kilometre long channel from Lake St. Martin. The Lake Manitoba outlet channel includes an inlet at Lake Manitoba and outlet at Lake St. Martin, a new water control structure with a bridge and three new bridge crossings over the outlet channel. The Lake St. Martin outlet channel includes an inlet at Lake St. Martin and outlet at Lake Winnipeg, a new water control structure with a bridge, as well as the necessary Manitoba Hydro infrastructure to power the control structure.