Maritime Link Project

Rank 2025


Image Credit: Emera Newfoundland & Labrador

Industry Sector: Energy

Project Type: Transmission

Project Value: $1.577 billion

Funding Source: Private

Provincial Funding: $1.577 billion

Province: Newfoundland and Labrador

City / Region: Granite Canal to Bottom Brook, to Cape Ray, Newfoundland and Labrador, to Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

Estimated End Date of Substantial Completion: 2018

This project involves the design, engineering, construction, operations, and maintenance of a new 500-MW transmission system between Granite Canal, Newfoundland and Labrador and Woodbine, Nova Scotia. The link will also include two 170-kilometre subsea cables across the Cabot Strait, close to 50 kilometres of overland transmission in Nova Scotia, and nearly 300 km of overland transmission on the island of Newfoundland.

In 2016, the Maritime Link Project reached a number of significate milestones, including the completion of right-of-way clearing, site preparation and its horizontal directional drilling program in both Cape Breton and on the island of Newfoundland. Significant progress has also been made on the grounding lines in each province, with the Nova
Scotia portion substantially complete and the ground site at Indian Head, NL substantially complete.

Project Owner: Emera Newfoundland & Labrador (NSP Maritime Link)

Engineer: ENL’s project management team: Hatch (engineering services); Stantec; Amec Foster Wheeler; Altus Group; Servant, Dunbrack, McKenzie & MacDonald; SNCLavalin (3 substations/2 transition stations)

Contractor: Abengoa S.A.; Marine Contractors Inc. – Qalipu Partnership, Jone|Jim Concrete Construction, H.J. O’Connell, Zutphen Contractors

Environmental Services: Dillon Consulting Ltd. (environmental assessment)

Other Key Players: ABB; exp Services (geotechnical work); Maclean Forestry (clearing in N.S.); Major’s Logging (clearing in N.L.); Nexans (subsea cable); Carillion; EUS Rokstad (HVdc transmission line construction); PowerTel (grounding line and HVAC transmission line construction)

Legal: McCarthy Tétrault (underwriter for Maritime Link Financing Trust); Osler Hoskin & Harcourt; Cox & Palmer

2018 Rank: 30

2017 Rank: 28

2016 Rank: 30

2015 Rank: 32

2014 Rank: 26