Mica Generating Station Upgrade

Rank 2025


Industry Sector: Energy

Project Type: Hydroelectric

Project Value: $739 million

Funding Source: Public

Provincial Funding: $739 million

Province: British Columbia

City / Region: Revelstoke

Two additional 500-MW generators are being added to the Mica Generating Station, located north of Revelstoke on the Columbia River. The station, built in 1977, was intended to have six generators, but only four were initially installed. This project will bring it up to full capacity at 2,805 MW. To reliably deliver the additional generation to the grid, the project also required construction of a new capacitor station halfway along the Mica to Nicola 500-kV transmission line, near Seymour Arm. The capacitor station was completed in 2013.

Unit 5 came online in October 2014, and Unit 6 is expected to be operational by October 2015.

Project Owner: BC Hydro

Contractor: Mitsubishi Electric Power Products

Environmental Services: Klohn Crippen Berger (environmental manager); Levelton Consultants (air quality assessment); Hemmera (sub-consultant, input on restoration plan for remediation)

2015 Rank: 65

2014 Rank: 60