New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project

Rank 2025


Image Credit: Vermont Public Radio

Industry Sector: Transportation

Project Type: Bridge

Project Value: $4.24 billion

Funding Source: P3

Federal Funding: $4.239 billion

Province: Quebec

City / Region: Montreal to Brossard

Estimated End Date of Substantial Completion: 2019

On Oct. 5, 2011, the Government of Canada announced the new Champlain Bridge corridor project, one of the largest infrastructure projects in North America. The corridor-wide project not only includes the new Champlain bridge, but a new Île-des-Soeurs Bridge and reconstruction and widening of the federal portion of Autoroute 15. The new bridge is designed to have three corridors, including two three-lane corridors for vehicular traffic and a twolane transit corridor capable of accommodating a light rail transit system. The new bridge will also include a multi-use path for pedestrians and cyclists.

In August of 2017, the first phase of steel work on the Jacques Cartier Bridge was completed, marking a major milestone for the project. This phase of the project involved the replacement of four braces and eight bottom chords, while 150 gusset plates and 17 diagonals were reinforced. Also, approximately 100,000 rivets were also replaced with bolts.

In October of 2018, Infrastructure Canada announced that the structure would be in place by the original deadline of Dec. 21, 2018, but that certain finishing works would not be completed until the spring of 2019, and the bridge will officially open to traffic in June of 2019.

Project Owner: Infrastructure Canada

Engineer: Arup Canada (engineering advisory services); IBI Group/Roche (owner engineer and electrical); Stantec; Ramboll (project’s independent engineer)

Other Key Players: Signature on the Saint-Lawrence Group—SNC-Lavalin, ACS Infrastructure, HOCHTIEF PPP Solutions, Dragados, Flatiron, WSP, T.Y. Lin International, International Bridge Technologies, EBC Inc. PricewaterhouseCoopers; Steer Davies Gleave; Morrison Hershfield (business case); Englobe, Consortium Perron; Hudon; Bélanger and Consultants (advisory services to government); Hanscomb (cost consultant and special advisor); EY (advising team); Aon Risk Solutions (risk/insurance advisor to private partner); INTECH (insurance advisor); GHD (inspection and testing services); Englobe (audits); CIMA+; EXP (construction, design, planning, and environmental services); DECAST

Financiers and Banks: HSBC and National Bank of Canada

Architect Names: Dissing+Weitling and Provencher Roy (preliminary designs)

Legal: Dentons Canada (advising federal govt.); Borden Ladner Gervais (legal advisor); DLA Piper (Canada); McMillan (legal counsel to the finance parties)

2019 Rank: 14

2018 Rank: 12

2017 Rank: 12

2016 Rank: 9

2015 Rank: 6

2014 Rank: 4