Pointe Du Bois Spillway Replacement Project

Rank 2025


Industry Sector: Energy

Project Type: Hydroelectric

Project Value: $560 million

Funding Source: Public

Provincial Funding: Manitoba Hydro: $560 million

Province: Manitoba

City / Region: Pointe du Bois

Manitoba Hydro is replacing and upgrading various parts of its Pointe du Bois Generating Station, a 77-MW hydroelectric dam on the Winnipeg River, to improve safety for both the public and workers. The original project scope called for replacing both the generating station and the spillway, but in 2009, it was decided that the spillway alone would be replaced.

The plan was revised in 2012, following which Manitoba Hydro received new regulatory approval, and site excavation began late that year. Concrete work on the spillway structure is complete and the gates and operating mechanisms have been installed. Work continues on construction of the new main dam, which will link the spillway to the existing powerhouse, and excavation of new spillway channels is underway. The project is scheduled for completion by November 2015.

Project Owner: Manitoba Hydro

Engineer: Levelton Consultants Ltd. (materials engineering on behalf of contractor)

Contractor: Peter Kiewit Infrastructure

Project/Construction Manager: Manitoba Hydro

Architect Names: KGS Group

Supplier Other: Alstom (spillway gate design, manufacture, and supply)

2015 Rank: 82

2014 Rank: 78