Queen Elizabeth Power Station Expansion

Rank 2025


Industry Sector: Energy

Project Type: Natural Gas

Project Value: $532 million

Funding Source: Public

Provincial Funding: SaskPower: $532 million

Province: Saskatchewan

City / Region: Saskatoon

This power station expansion will add 205 MW to the grid, enough capacity to power an additional 205,000 homes. The original facility was commissioned in 1959 with a net capacity of 430 MW. The project will see the D Plant at the natural gas facility converted from simple cycle to combined cycle, which will make it 10 to 15 per cent more energy efficient. This type of electricity generation is ideal for meeting peak loads, such as hotter periods in the summer or colder periods in the winter.

Civil works and piling is complete, as well as major equipment foundation. Site construction is expected to be complete by July 2015 and the new plant commissioned in September 2015.

Project Owner: SaskPower

Project/Construction Manager: Alberici Western Constructors and Burns & McDonnell JV

Environmental Services: Golder Associates

2015 Rank: 85

2014 Rank: 82