Romaine Complex

Rank 2025


Image Credit: Hydro-Québec

Industry Sector: Energy

Project Type: Hydroelectric

Project Value: $7.2 billion

Funding Source: Public

Provincial Funding: Hydro-Quebec: $6.5 billion

Province: Quebec

City / Region: Havre-Saint-Pierre

Estimated End Date of Substantial Completion: 2022

This 1,550-MW hydroelectric complex on the Romaine River involves four generating stations and reservoirs spaced over 150 kilometres along the Romaine River, located on the North Shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Each station will have an associated rockfill dam, two generating units, and a spillway. One permanent access road 150 kilometres long will also be built as part of the project linking the generating station to the regional highway. Hydro-Québec began its work in summer 2009. Romaine-2 was commissioned in 2014, followed by Romaine-1 in 2015, and Romaine-3 in 2017. Work on Romaine-4 is underway, and includes building of all the structures associated with a new power generation facility: generating station, dam, diversion, spillway, tailrace canal, headrace tunnel, etc. Excavation of the spillway and water intake, along with the temporary diversion structure, were completed in 2018. In 2021, Romaine-4 reservoir filling was finished and construction work on Romaine-4 dam was completed. Concreting at Romaine-4 generating station will continue in 2022 and the project is expected to be commissioned in the last months of 2022.

Project Owner: Hydro-Québec

Engineer: Romaine-1: AECOM Romaine-3: AECOM; Englobe; Romaine-2: SNC-Lavalin (design)

Contractor: Romaine-1: Hamel-CRT, Cegerco, Construction Proco, a consortium of Cegerco and Fernand Gilbert, Groupe Hexagone, Pomerleau, a consortium of J. Euclide Perron and Inter-cité Construction, a consortium of Neilson & EBC Construction, LAR Machinerie and Canmec Industriel.Romaine-3: Hamel-CRT, EBC-Neilson, Canmec Industriel, Construction Proco, Couillard Construction, Groupe Hexagone, Groupe LAR, COH, HMI Construction, Neilson-EBC, Cégerco, Nordex, Consortium ATA Romaine-4: EBC Inc.; Pomerleau

Other Key Players: GHD (geotechnical studies & material tester); Tetra Tech (design and construction support); WSP (EA and access roads); CRT Construction (excavation and concreting, road and dam construction); HKA (expert services); GHD (geotechnical and material technology); CIMA+; Englobe (QA inspection services); EXP (Building plans and specifications and addition/modifications to positions (substations); Deloitte

Turbine Supplier: Romaine-1: Voith Hydro Romaine-3: GE Energy (formerly Alstom)

Supplier Other: Les Excavations Marchand et Fils (cement supplier)

Legal: Borden Ladner Gervais

MW Generation Power: 1550

Financing Detail: N/A

2022 Rank: 9

2021 Rank: 10

2020 Rank: 9

2019 Rank: 7

2018 Rank: 7

2017 Rank: 6

2016 Rank: 4

2015 Rank: 3

2014 Rank: 2