Romaine Complex Transmission Line

Rank 2025


Industry Sector: Energy

Project Type: Transmission

Project Value: $1.3 billion

Funding Source: Public

Provincial Funding: Hydro-Quebec: $1.3 billion

Province: Quebec

City / Region: Minganie Region

Estimated End Date of Substantial Completion: 2020

This project involves the construction of transmission lines needed to connect the 1,550-MW Romaine Complex to the rest of the grid in Quebec. The project includes building more than 500 kilometres of transmission lines, designed for both 315 kV and 735 kV but operated at 315 kV, constructing new switchyards at the generating stations, and modifying and adding equipment in existing facilities.

The transmission line is a separate venture from the Romaine Complex project. Construction has been underway since summer 2011, and is expected to be completed by 2020.

Project Owner: Hydro-Québec

Engineer: AECOM (engineer, detailed design for transmission towers and foundations); Englobe; SNC-Lavalin

Contractor: Lockwell, Fabrinet, Prometek (steel); General Cable (cables); TCI-Arnaud and GLR JV (assembly)

Environmental Services: WSP (environmental impact assessment)

Other Key Players: WSP (environmental impact assessment); Thirau; GLR; GHD (geotechnical services); Englobe (field surveillance); EXP

Supplier Other: Lockwell (steel), Fabrinet (steel); General Cable (cables); Prometek (steel)

Legal: Borden Ladner Gervais

Transmission Line Length (km): 500

2020 Rank: 45

2019 Rank: 45

2018 Rank: 41

2017 Rank: 37

2016 Rank: 38

2015 Rank: 45