Tazi Twé Hydroelectric Project

Rank 2025


Industry Sector: Energy

Project Type: Hydroelectric

Project Value: $500 million

Funding Source: Public

Provincial Funding: SaskPower: $500 million

Province: Saskatchewan

City / Region: Elizabeth Falls

Estimated End Date of Substantial Completion: 2019

The proponent has proposed the construction and operation of a 50 MW water diversion-type electrical generating station at Elizabeth Falls. The proposed project would be located adjacent to the Fond du Lac River on the Black Lake Denesuline First Nation reserve land Chicken 224 between Black Lake and Middle Lake in northern Saskatchewan, approximately seven kilometres northeast of the community of Black Lake. It would involve the construction and operation of a water intake, a power tunnel, a powerhouse, a tail race, a submerged weir, a construction camp, a bridge, and access roads.

In an EA decision statement in July 2015, the federal minister of the environment said the project was not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. The EA report states project construction would take approximately three years, from 2016 to 2019.

Project Owner: Black Lake First Nation in partnership with SaskPower

Engineer: KGS Group (engineering, design, and technical assessment)

Contractor: Peter Kiewit Infrastructure (general contractor)

Project/Construction Manager: SaskPower

Environmental Services: Golder Associates (environmental impact assessment)

2018 Rank: 86

2017 Rank: 83

2016 Rank: 87