The Waneta Expansion

Rank 2025


Industry Sector: Energy

Project Type: Hydroelectric

Project Value: $900 million

Funding Source: Private

Private Funding: Fortis: $459 million CPC/CBT: $441 million

Province: British Columbia

City / Region: South of Trail

This expansion project involves the addition of a second powerhouse downstream from the Waneta Dam on the Pend d’Oreille River, producing 335 MW. A new 10-km transmission line has been constructed to deliver a stepped-up output of 230 kV from the powerhouse to BC Hydro’s Selkirk Substation. The energy will be sold to BC Hydro under
a long-term energy purchase agreement.

Recently, construction has included completion of work on the runner, stator, and rotor for one unit, the installation of the gates, stoplogs, and sturgeon exclusion screens in the powerhouse, as well as blasting in the tailrace area and structural concrete work in the intake area. Completion of electrical and mechanical work, rotor and stator assembly for the remaining unit, and further preparations in the intake area continue.

Construction started in 2010 and completion is expected in 2015.

Project Owner: Fortis, Columbia Power Corp., and the Columbia Basin Trust

Engineer: Golder Associates (environmental consulting engineers); Hatfield Consultants; Hatch

Contractor: SNC-Lavalin (EPC contractor); Aecon (civil design, construction)

Financiers and Banks: CIBC World Markets (advisor to Columbia Power and Columbia Basin Trust)

Turbine Supplier: Voith Hydro

Legal: Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP (advising Waneta Expansion Limited Partnership)

2015 Rank: 55

2014 Rank: 48