Trans Labrador Highway Widening and Hard Surfacing

Rank 2025


Image Credit: By Felix-Antoine Tremblay - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Industry Sector: Transportation

Project Type: Highway

Project Value: $683 million

Funding Source: Public

Provincial Funding: $683 million

Province: Newfoundland and Labrador

City / Region: L’Anse-au-Clair to Labrador City

The Trans Labrador Highway has been one of the most significant infrastructure projects in the province’s history. The road spans close to 12,000 kilometres and over 500 kilometres has been paved. The paving and widening of this major piece of transportation infrastructure, the first continuous connection across Labrador, will connect residents with jobs, products, and economic opportunities.

In Budget 2017, the provincial government pledged $55.7 million to the ongoing construction of the project. This was funding presenting to cover the cost of work on the project during the 2017 calendar year.

Project Owner: Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

Contractor: Pavex; Mike Kelly and Sons; Humber Valley Paving

Other Key Players: Hatch (pre-design, design, construction supervision and layout, administration, QA/QC); EXP (materials testing)

2018 Rank: 71

2017 Rank: 66

2016 Rank: 68

2015 Rank: 70