Turcot Interchange

Rank 2025


Image Credit: Mario Faubert Aviateur Photographe, Courtesy of Transport Québec

Industry Sector: Transportation

Project Type: Highway

Project Value: $3.67 billion

Funding Source: Public

Provincial Funding: $3.67 billion

Province: Quebec

City / Region: Montreal

Estimated End Date of Substantial Completion: 2020

The Turcot Interchange is a major traffic hub in the Montreal area, connecting Autoroutes 15, 20, and 720, and facilitating access to the Champlain Bridge. It is also a vital link between the Montreal Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau International Airport and downtown. The final plans for the reconstruction of the deteriorating expressway interchange include more space allocated to public transit, cyclists, pedestrians, and green space. Several bus-only lanes have been reserved along Highway 20, Notre Dame Street West, and St. Patrick Street.

Multiple projects continue on all areas of the new interchange as the build nears its 2020 completion date. However, 2019 did mark the completion of the A-720/A-20 interchange.

Project Owner: Transports Québec

Engineer: Consortium Génivar/Dessau; Consortium Inspec-Sol inc./EXP; CIMA+; Dessau; Inspec-Sol inc.; Englobe (environmental, geotechnical and materials engineering); WSP (independent engineer); Tetra Tech (part of owner’s engineer team); Hatch (rail engineer)

Contractor: Design-Build Team—KPH Turcot Kiewit, Parsons>>, WSP, and Holcim CanadaTraditional Contracts: Axxys Construction; CMS Entrepreneurs généraux; Construction Demathieu & Bard; Construction DJL; Construction Garnier; DB-AECOM Pont St-Jacques S.E.P.; Demix Construction; Demvar; EBC Inc.; Entreprises de construction Panzini; Excavation Loiselle & Frères; Golder Construction; Groupe Hexagone, S.E.C.; Groupe TNT; Hulix Construction; Jacques Arsenault Asphalte; L.A. Hébert Ltée; Lanco Aménagement; Les entreprises Claude Chagnon; Les Grands Travaux Soter; Les services de construction Demo Spec; Les services environnementaux Delsan-A.I.M.; Louisbourg SBC; Simard-Beaudry Construction; Tesco 3000; SPG Hydro International; TNT2

Project/Construction Manager: AECOM and BPR-Batiment

Environmental Services: Consortium Dessau-Soprin/Les Consultants S.M. (environmental impacts study); Dessau-Soprin (environmental study and decontamination); Groupe Qualitas (environmental study); EXP (environmental study); Séti Media (environmental study); Tecsult

Other Key Players: WSP (designer, environmental, geotechnical work); Arup (technical advisor, independent certifier); AOR (geotechnical study); Axor experts-conseils (site supervision); Coentreprise Groupe Qualitas/Englobe-Technisol (geotechnical study); ConsultRail (study on railway equipment); Daniel Arbour & associes, S.E.N.C. (study on highways); Ethnoscop (archaeological studies); Génius Conseil (site supervision); Les Conseillers Adec (economic study); Patrimoine Experts S.E.N.C. (archeological excavations); Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton & Cie (assurance and guarantees); Trimax Sécurité (site supervision); Aon Risk Solutions (insurance broker); GHD (geotechnical design/materials); Englobe (audits)

Financiers and Banks: PricewaterhouseCoopers

Supplier Other: Canam Group (steel superstructure and components)

Legal: Dentons Canada (legal counsel, under the authority of the Societé quebecoise des infrastructures); Borden Ladner Gervais

2020 Rank: 18

2019 Rank: 16

2018 Rank: 13

2017 Rank: 13

2016 Rank: 10

2015 Rank: 9

2014 Rank: 7