Union Station Revitalization Project

Rank 2025


Image Credit: By remundo - Union Station, Toronto, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=54889407

Industry Sector: Transit

Project Type: Rail

Project Value: $823.7 million

Funding Source: Public

Federal Funding: $164.5 million

Provincial Funding: $191.8 million

Municipal Funding: $467.4 million

Province: Ontario

City / Region: Toronto

Estimated End Date of Substantial Completion: 2021

The revitalization project includes restoration of many of the station’s heritage elements, creation of 160,000 square feet of retail space with the focus of bringing the best of Toronto’s independent retailers and restaurants to the station, and expansion of the GO concourses to accommodate the expected doubling of passengers by 2030. In April 2015, the new spacious 62,000-square-foot York Concourse opened to provide almost twice the space of the existing Bay Concourse to help get customers to where they are going faster and easier. In August 2015, the Bay Concourse was closed to undergo renovation.

Substantial completion has been delayed, and is now expected to occur in 2020.

Project Owner: Construction Manager: Carillion (Stage 1) and Bondfield Construction (Stage 2/3)

Engineer: Clifford Restoration (building envelope restoration); Wood Group (consulting)

P3 Team Members/Project Team: EXP (train shed roof design and construction admin); NORR Limited Architects & Engineers (structural, mechanical and electrical)

Environmental Services: WSP (Stage 2/3)

Other Key Players: Arup (4D modelling, pedestrian flow, construction coordination analyses); A.W. Hooker Associates (cost management); Entro (wayfinding and signage); Engineering Harmonics (AV consultant); FGMDA (heritage consultant); Golder (construction mat. engineering/testing); Hanscomb (study and design teams’ cost consultant); WSP (geotechnical consultant); Aecon (train shed platform); Aon (risk advisor/broker for preferred proponent); Morrison Hershfield (conceptual study); Comtech (multidisciplinary consulting services)

Financiers and Banks: EY

Consulting Engineer Name: NORR Limited Architects & Engineers (prime design consultant); DIALOG (executive architect of retail features)

Vehicle Supplier Names: Canam Group (steel deck); Dufferin Concrete

Supplier Other: WeirFoulds (acting for architects); Osler

Financing Detail: The original budget was $640 million, with federal ($164.5 million), provincial ($172 million), and municipal ($303.7 million) investments. In 2014, the budget increased to $796.4 million, and in June 2015, increased to $800.7 million. The budget increase would have been higher, but the city committee approved deferring Phase 2 of the northwest PATH extension to free up $55 million.

2021 Rank: 58

2020 Rank: 60

2019 Rank: 62

2018 Rank: 61

2017 Rank: 60

2016 Rank: 61

2015 Rank: 62

2014 Rank: 62